There is a "pit in your stomach" feeling that comes when your entire organization is scheduled for an impromptu meeting. Usually the purpose of an impromptu meeting is not to share good news.
So it was a pleasant surprise when we were all summoned together earlier this week and told, "we are kidnapping you all on Thursday and taking you to Malibu Grand Prix to recognize you for all the hard work that has gone into the last year."
So from 11am to 3pm we had free reign over Malibu Grand Prix. From race cars
to skee ball; it was like being a kid again.
And what better way to end the day than with a big 'ol White Cherry Icee!
The Song Of The Day - Devil Wouldn't Recognize You by Madonna
HOW FUN!!! Hooray Gap! Cherry Cola SLurpees at the Valero gas station in Santa Nella have provided the adequate source of sugar/caffeine for many a trip up and down the 5 from So. CAl to No CAl and Back.