My fellow blogger and friend, Redhead Jen, is a member of The Junior League of San Francisco. On Saturday the JLSF presented the 15th Annual Home Tour.
For $65, ticket holders were given the opportunity to tour five homes in the Pacific Heights neighborhood. The street had been blocked off to create a Marketplace for artisan vendors. And these homes, they were not homes, they were mansions.
To put it in perspective, the first house on the tour is currently on the market for $12.9 million and features the stand alone bath tub as shown in the photo above. Check out the view you would have from your bubble bath!
The five houses on the tour ranged from traditional classic turn of the century architecture that had been lovingly restored to a house with a garden that features a renewable closed loop hydroponic growing system.
At first, I was a little turned off by the idea of paying $65 to tour five houses. But as I walked through the homes and admired the one with a "gift wrap room" and "putting green" in the bedroom, I realized that this might be the only time I will ever see inside these amazing residences.
The Song Of The Day - This House by Tracie Spencer
That was the house I was volunteering at! Too bad I missed you! How amazing was everything?!?