I have totally convinced myself that by ordering "non fat" milk I am cancelling out the calories I get from indulging in the whip cream. It's true, right?
I remember one of the first times I ever tried Starbucks. I was in college at the time and a co-worker of mine had returned with a Mint Mocha Frappuccino. As she sipped away her blended drink she turned to me and said "This is orgasmic!"
"Hmmm"...I thought, I like mint. I like chocolate. I'm in! And that was all it took.
I do not have to drink coffee every day. It's a "nice to have" not a "have to have." I go through spells where I have it every day and then I might not have it for several weeks at a time.
I prefer my coffee in the afternoon. I don't need to have it in the morning. I need it at about three o'clock.
So if you are a fan of Starbucks or a coffee drinker in general you have probably experienced this situation.
Recently, I was walking down the street and the person coming toward me was carrying a Starbucks cup. Clearly this was a day that I needed coffee because my first thought was "Uhhh...where'd she get that?" I was jealous of her coffee. I knew that I was a good fifteen blocks from the nearest Starbucks.
The weird thing is that you will find people carrying Starbucks cups in the most random places.
Another example of when my coffee jealousy kicked in was when I had gone for a hike in Muir Woods with a couple friends. We were on a trail in the middle of the redwoods and the woman coming toward us was carrying a Starbucks cup.
I have already shared that I am not the outdoorsy type. At the sight of the Starbucks cup I suddenly became very excited about our nature outing. I stopped the lady and asked with a giant smile on my face, "Is there a Starbucks up there too?" She could probably hear the desperation in my voice. She looked at me with the expression of "are you kidding?" and then politely shook her head and said, "No." Tragic.
A couple of years ago my parents and I took a trip to Seattle which also happens to be the birthplace of Starbucks. As we were walking around the public market I decided I wanted a frappuccino. There was an odd looking Starbucks across the street. I went in and realized I had found the coffee drinkers Mecca. It was the very first Starbucks EVER!
My name is Jon...and I am a Starbucksholic.
The Song Of The Day - Forever by Chris Brown
Then you have never had "Dunkin Donuts" coffee. My time on the west coast was void of DD's, but I made it through. Upon my arrival in New York I headed to the nearest DD........paradise!!!